| 8/17/22

How To Triple Your Output With Fabrication Automation Software

In this video, we’ll show you how fabrication automation software like Nesting PRO and BendSim PRO can help you streamline and automate your nesting and bending processes.

A business whose products are made with press brakes and laser cutters often has problems maintaining and increasing its output — even with adequate fabrication capacity. New programming hires require months of onboarding before they can start working at full speed — but that’s something Cincinnati’s new programming automation software can help with.

Our BendSim PRO and Nesting PRO solutions provide rules-based solutions that help programming staff streamline their coding and increase the efficiency of the entire fabrication process. See how CI Pro Suite can help eliminate tedious manual programming and help you ramp up your output!

Schedule a demo today: https://www.e-ci.com/pro-suite